Diffen Consulting
Helping Organisations Move Through Change
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Diffen Consulting provides tailored training, i.e. training that goes beyond simply how to do, to include what to do, why to do it and when to do it. Not only does this make the training a more effective learning experience, it also is more successful in assisting to create change.

Diffen Consulting is unique in its experience and approach to providing training during change, which is quite different to standard training. The table below highlights the different approaches to training during change.

Change Created

Training Approach

Immediate Outcomes

Longer Term Outcomes


Give people training (e.g. in technology change, teaching change what buttons to click on)

· Individuals put various amounts of the information into practice to a varying degree and in varying ways.

· High degree of frustration with the change.

· High degree of resistance.

· Significant increase in support requirements.

· Most individuals continue as they did prior to training (unless there is no choice in the change).

· Change seen as negative.

· New opportunities from new technology/process are not taken advantage of – different technology/process same results.


Through training, help people understand how to work differently (e.g. in technology change, teaching people improved work practices using the new technology)

· Individuals and some Teams put some of the information required mostly into practice as required in pretty much the best way.

· Significant degree of frustration, resistance.

· Increase in support requirements.

· Some individuals develop new habits, many don’t and teams continue as they previously did.

· Some users think change is ‘great’, some think it is ‘OK’ and others think it is negative.

· A few new opportunities taken advantage of from the new technology/processes.


Create a program of change, of which training is a key component (e.g. in technology change, teaching people improved work practices that they understand, support and are positive about)

· Individuals, Teams & the Organisation put most of the information required into practice as required in the best way.

· Minimised frustration, resistance and help desk calls.

· Users keen to make use of new technology/process.

· Most individuals develop new habits, teams progressively work in improved ways and the ‘new way’ is the new standard.

· New opportunities resulting from the technology change are commonly taken advantage of.

· Change seen as positive at all levels.


Strategic Planning
Change Strategy
Project Management
Business Analysis
Information Management

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